Chazara prieuri

Southern Hermit


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: prieuri10.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: prieuri14.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Field notes and information

An extremely local species with a sporadic distribution in Spain and northwest Africa. It's hard to find even at "good" sites.

Identification & Similar species: There are no similar species.

Distribution & Flight: Only from parts of the eastern half of Spain and the High and Middle Atlas mountains of Morocco and neighbouring Algeria.

Habitat & Behaviour: Very hot dry rocky places with sparse vegetation. In Spain I've found them amongst sparse bushes, in Morocco they (it!) was on a treeless mountain.

Variation: In Spain, I found just a single example of the brown form of the female uhagonis, see photo.

Photo: prieuri1.jpg

Middle Atlas, Morocco, June 2005

Photo: prieuri12.jpgPhoto: prieuri13.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: prieuri11.jpgPhoto: prieuri9.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

A typical resting place, out of the glare and heat of the sun.

Photo: prieuri18.jpgPhoto: prieuri19.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003 (c) Peter Rowlings

Photo: prieuri17.jpgPhoto: prieuri15.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: prieuri2.jpgPhoto: prieuri3.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

(c) Peter Rowlings

Photo: prieuri4.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

A typical resting position in the dappled shade of a low shrub.

Photo: prieuri6.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

More unusual position in a tree. In the shade as usual.

Photo: prieuri5.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Female of the brown form uhagonis. She was temporarily stunned during capture (a very rare event), hence able to be photographed in the open and with forewing exposed.

Photo: prieuri8.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Again in the shade

Photo: prieuri7.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003