Pyrgus cirsii

Cinquefoil Skipper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: cirsii2.jpg

Ain, France, August 2010

Photo: cirsii3.jpg

Ain, France, August 2010

Field notes and information

Now more usually considered a full species rather than a subspecies of the carline skipper P. carlinae.

Identification & Similar species: Upperside forewing spots bright white and often large, dusting of scales not normally extensive. Underside hindwing reddish brown, veins are pale. Particularly prominent is the large white rectangular patch in space 5.

On the upperside there are two marks mid way along spaces 2 and 3. These are separate or may just touch in the carline skipper P. carlinae. In the current species they are joined to make a wavy S shape. The underside ground colour is usually a strong red-brown.

Upperside hindwing markings diffuse in most butterflies, helping separate it from the similar Obethur's grizzled skipper P. armoricanus which has a fairly strong discal band, particularly the cell marking.

Distribution & Flight: SE France, Iberian peninsular. Also through the rest of the Alps, although sporadic. July and August.

Habitat & Behaviour: Open flowery grassy places.

Photo: cirsii12.jpg

Ain, France, August 2010

Photo: cirsii17.jpgPhoto: cirsii36.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018

Photo: cirsii32.jpgPhoto: cirsii24.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018

Photo: cirsii18.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018

Photo: armoricanus8.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Photo: cirsii35.jpgPhoto: cirsii30.jpgPhoto: cirsii19.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018

Photo: cirsii1.jpg

Ain, France, August 2010

Photo: cirsii13.jpgPhoto: cirsii4.jpg

Ain, France, August 2010

Photo: cirsii21.jpgPhoto: cirsii10.jpgPhoto: cirsii14.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018

Photo: cirsii27.jpgPhoto: cirsii15.jpgPhoto: cirsii28.jpg

Ain, France, August 2018