Pyrgus carlinae

Carline Skipper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: carlinae20.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2013

Photo: carlinae15.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, August 2012

Field notes and information

Another tricky member of this group which poses identification issues. The cinquefoil skipper P. cirsii is very similar and was once (and sometimes still is) considered a subspecies of the current species. The ranges overlap.

Identification & Similar species: Upperside forewing spots bright, fairly small, white dusting not extensive. Upperside hindwing markings diffuse. Underside hindwing reddish brown, veins are pale and particularly prominent is the large white rectangular patch in space 5 the wing margin.

On the upperside there are two marks mid way along spaces 2 and 3. These are separate in the current species (they may just touch in rare cases) and in the very similar cinquefoil skipper P. cirsii they are joined to make a wavy S shape.

Upperside hindwing markings diffuse, helping separated it from the very similar Obethur's grizzled skipper P. armoricanus which has a fairly strong discal band and cell markings.

Distribution & Flight: Southeast France, Alps and north Italy. July and August.

Habitat & Behaviour: Open flowery grassy places.

Photo: carlinae16.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, August 2012

Photo: carlinae34.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2019

Photo: carlinae35.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2019

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Alpes Maritimes, Italy, July 2004

Photo: carlinae18.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2012

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

Note the red mites waiting for food to arrive.

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

Photo: carlinae4.jpgPhoto: carlinae5.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2006

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2019

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Valais, Switzerland, July 2022