Pyrgus cinarae

Sandy Grizzled Skipper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: cinarae1.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, 2004

Photo: cinarae2.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, 2004

Field notes and information

When I first saw this species in Greece there was little doubt as to its identity. It is large in flight and the extensive white markings are obvious.

Identification & Similar species: A large species with large square upperside markings including a strong basal spot in space 2 of the forewing and well defined hindwing markings.

Distribution & Flight: Montes Universales in Spain where subspecies chlorinda is very local and rare (also first reported from north Madrid in 2010) in late July/ August and subspecies cinarae is widespread but local in south Balkans in June/ July.

Habitat & Behaviour: Dry grassy places with flowers.

Photo: cinarae9.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: cinarae10.jpgPhoto: cinarae7.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: cinarae3.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, 2004

Photo: cinarae6.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: cinarae4.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, 2004

Photo: cinarae5.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, 2004

Photo: cinarae8.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016