Euchloe ausonia

Eastern Dappled White


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: ausonia19.jpg

Sicily, Italy, May 2018

Photo: ausonia16.jpg

Crete, Greece, April 2014

Field notes and information

This is one of two species that are not possible to differentiate from external characteristics, distribution being the only useful tool, which is not helpful in areas of overlap.

Identification & Similar species: This species and the western dappled white, E. crameri, are indistinguishable from external characteristics alone.

Distribution & Flight: To the west crameri flies in north Africa, Iberia, south France and northwest Italy. To the east ausonia flies in peninsular Italy, Sicily and eastwards from southeast Austria and into the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean islands.

It flies in two (and possibly more) broods from April into July. In south France my experience is of lower abundance in the summer.

Habitat & Behaviour: It is a widespread, local and common butterfly being encountered in open places that may be hot, dry or damp on many soils. Often disturbed places harbour the foodplant so it is often seen at roadsides and in areas of cultivation.

Photo: ausonia15.jpg

Crete, Greece, April 2014

Photo: ausonia20.jpg

Sicily, Italy, May 2018

Photo: ausonia14.jpg

Crete, Greece, April 2014

Photo: ausonia17.jpgPhoto: ausonia18.jpg

Crete, Greece, April 2014

Photo: ausonia21.jpg

Tuscany, Italy, May 2019

Photo: ausonia5.jpg

Lesbos, Greece, April 2005 (m)

Photo: ausonia11.jpg

Alpes Maritimes, May 2005 (f)

Photo: ausonia9.jpg

Chalkidiki, Greece, May 2004 (f)

Photo: ausonia8.jpgPhoto: ausonia7.jpgPhoto: ausonia10.jpgPhoto: ausonia6.jpg

Chalkidiki, Greece, May 2004 (f)

Egg laying and eggs.

Photo: ausonia1.jpgPhoto: ausonia3.jpg

Crete, Greece, June 2004 (f)

Photo: ausonia2.jpg

Crete, Greece, June 2004 (f)

Photo: ausonia4.jpg

Lesbos, Greece, April 2005 (m)

Photo: ausonia13.jpg

Crete, Greece, April 2014