Euchloe insularis

Corsican Dappled White


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: insularis2.jpg

Mt Gennargentu, Sardinia, May 2003

Photo: insularis1.jpg

Mt Gennargentu, Sardinia, May 2003

Field notes and information

The only dappled white on Corsica and Sardinia where it is endemic.

Identification & Similar species: Can only be confused with the western bath white, Pontia crameri, on these islands. The underside mottling means separation is easy on close inspection.

Distribution & Flight: Throughout the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. It flies in very early spring and again in late spring finishing at the end of June. It is reportedly commoner in the early generation.

Habitat & Behaviour: I have only very limited experience of 3 individuals in Sardinia between broods towards the end of May. They were very worn, flying in middle altitudes in grassy patches in extensive scrubland. None were flying in Corsica in mid July.