Erebia zapateri

Zapater's Ringlet


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: zapateri10.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003 (c) Peter Rowlings

Photo: zapateri9.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003 (c) Peter Rowlings

Field notes and information

Only known from the Montes Universales in Spain. A beautiful species with a superb rich chestnut red underside forewing. The upperside has extremely bright orange markings, quite unlike any similar species, even the autumn ringlet E. neoridas. The orange flashes brilliantly in flight. On landing the butterflies leave their wings open for about 1 second so the lepidopterist can admire it but cannot get photos. Consequently I only have the meerest glimpse of orange on my living specimens and I've had to rely on a spider and a fortuitous gust of wind to open the wings of the hapless one in the photos.

Identification & Similar species: No similar species fly in this region.

Distribution & Flight: Very restricted, only from the Montes Universales in Spain. Flies in August and September. We found only one female in the first half of August in 2003 so we may have been too early in the season for them even when we left in mid August.

Habitat & Behaviour: At higher levels in clearings amongst pine forests.

Photo: zapateri4.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Due to heat any glimpse of the upperside orange is a treat.

Photo: zapateri6.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Photo: zapateri3.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003 (c) Peter Rowlings

Photo: zapateri7.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003

Photo: zapateri5.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, August 2003