Lycaena ottomana

Grecian Copper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: ottomanaL2.jpg

Evros, Greece, May 2004 (m)

Photo: ottomanaL1.jpg

Evros, Greece, May 2004 (f)


Field notes and information

A local and in my experience a scarce butterfly of the southern Balkans.

Identification & Similar species: The upperside resembles the scarce copper L. virgaureae and the underside is superficially similar to the small copper L. phlaeas. It is however quite distinctive when found in the field.

Distribution & Flight: Southern Balkans from low levels to 1500m. It flies in two broods - in spring and in summer.

Habitat & Behaviour: Supposedly hot dry places, my limited experiences are of damper places near streams and rivers or in coastal areas. It loves flowers, particularly yellow centred white flowers but most flowers will provide a suitable nectar source.

Variation: Most features show some variation.

Photo: ottomanaL8.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013

Photo: ottomanaL5.jpgPhoto: ottomanaL6.jpgPhoto: ottomanaL4.jpg

NW Greece, August 2008

Photo: ottomanaL9.jpgPhoto: ottomanaL10.jpgPhoto: ottomanaL11.jpgPhoto: ottomanaL12.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013