Fribourg, Switzerland, May 2020
Asturias Mts, Spain, July 2011
Females are more heavily marked than males and show a hint of a brassy sheen when fresh.
Field notes and information
A butterfly of damp meadows across much of Europe.
Identification & Similar species: Very similar to the larger marbled fritillary, B. daphne. Separated by the coloration of the square patch on the underside hindwing, just beyond the cell. This is a solid yellow block in the current species, partly filled pinkish in B. daphne.
Distribution & Flight: From north Spain into southeast, east and north Europe. Absent from the UK and parts of Scandinavia. Single brooded from June to August.
Habitat & Behaviour: Lush damp meadows and bogs.
Fribourg, Switzerland, May 2020
Vaud, Switzerland, June 2018
Vaud, Switzerland, July 2004
ino- rectangular area uniform clear pale yellow
daphne- rectangular area heavily shaded orange-pink to outer side.
Vaud, Switzerland, June 2022
N Sweden, July 2010
Fribourg, Switzerland, June 2021
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
SE Serbia, June 2012
Asturias Mts, Spain, July 2011
Fribourg, Switzerland, June 2022
Fribourg, Switzerland, June 2018
Grisons, Switzerland, July 2013