Thymelicus hamza

Moroccan Small Skipper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: hamza1.jpg

Middle Atlas, Morocco, June 2005

Photo: hamza2.jpg

Middle Atlas, Morocco, June 2005

Field notes and information

Local in north Africa.

Identification & Similar species: Very similar to the Lulworth skipper T. acteon with which it flies. The current species generally lacks the pale post discal patch on the forewing although, particularly the females, have a pale patch extending across much of the forewing. The male scent band in thicker, and does not extend beyond the end of the cell.

Distribution & Flight: All of north Africa into the Sahara. Flies in May and June.

Habitat & Behaviour: Hot dry grassy flowery places.