Valais, Switzerland, July 2019
Valais, Switzerland, July 2008
Field notes and information
A widespread and often common species of high altitudes in the Alps.
Identification & Similar species: Can only be confused with forms transitional to the Darwin's heath, C. darwiniana, which flies in southern Switzerland and neighbouring Italy and the southern Alps of France. Refer to that species for more information.
Distribution & Flight: Alps, Massif Central in France and a few high mountains in and around southwest Serbia.
Habitat & Behaviour: High grassy alpine meadows often with rocks, often at considerable altitudes. Sometimes clearings below the tree line.
Valais, Switzerland, June 2012
Valais, Switzerland, July 2021
Valais, Switzerland, July 2020
Valais, Switzerland, July 2018
Valais, Switzerland July 2014
Valais, Switzerland, July 2009
Valais, Switzerland, June 2019
Grisons, Switzerland, July 2019
Valais, Switzerland, July 2018
Valais, Switzerland, June 2018
Valais, Switzerland, June 2012
Valais, Switzerland, June 2019
Grisons, Switzerland, July 2013
Valais, Switzeland, June 2013
Valais, Switzerland, June 2006