Satyrium esculi

False Ilex Hairstreak


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: esculi10.jpg

Burgos, Spain, July 2011

Photo: esculi4.jpg

Middle Atlas, Morocco, June 2005

Field notes and information

A butterfly of very hot dry scrub habitats. It is found in Mediterranean habitats and semi-desert regions.

Identification & Similar species: Very similar to the ilex hairstreak, S. ilicis. See that page for more information.

Also similar to the sloe hairstreak, , which has ligher underside ground colour and orange spots confined to the lower half of the hindwing around the tail which often almost merge together.

Distribution & Flight: Southern France, Iberia and north Africa. It is often common where found. In Morocco it is abundant in most places where scrub oaks grow - and that is a very large area indeed in the High and Middle Atlas mountains. It flies in June and July, old specimens are found in August.

Habitat & Behaviour: Flies rapidly around scrub oaks, settling occasionally for nectar.

Photo: esculi8.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Photo: esculi12.jpg

Prov. Malaga, Spain, July 2013

Photo: esculi7.jpg

Var, France, August 2010

Photo: esculi5.jpgPhoto: esculi2.jpgPhoto: esculi3.jpgPhoto: esculi1.jpg

Middle Atlas, Morocco, June 2005

Photo: esculi11.jpg

Prov. Malaga, Spain, July 2013

Photo: esculi9.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Photo: esculi6.jpg

Var, France, August 2010

Photo: esculi13.jpg

Grenada, Spain, July 2013