Erebia epiphron

Mountain Ringlet


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: epiphron11.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2008

Photo: epiphron2.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2004

Field notes and information

A widespread but usually uncommon species across the higher mountains of northern Spain and central and southeast Europe. Also from the northwest UK (Lake District and west Scotland).

Identification & Similar species: Similar to many of the smaller Erebia. It has fairly large black spots on the upperside, a relatively unmarked underside hindwing with no or tiny spots often surrounded with a very narrow reddish ring.

Distribution & Flight: Flies from mid June to August depending on location and altitude.

Habitat & Behaviour: Usually open grassy slopes, sometimes damp and often exposed.

Variation: Highly variable across the range, locally and individually. There are several subspecies across Europe and numerous named forms.

Photo: epiphron1.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2004

Photo: epiphron21.jpg

Hautes-Pyrénées, France, July 2018

Photo: epiphron20.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, June 2017

Photo: epiphron22.jpg

Hautes-Pyrénées, France, July 2018

Photo: epiphron15.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2012

Photo: epiphron14.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, August 2012

Photo: epiphron7.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2006

Photo: epiphron18.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

Photo: epiphron19.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

Photo: epiphron3.jpgPhoto: epiphron5.jpgPhoto: epiphron4.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2004

Photo: epiphron16.jpg

Grisons, Switzerland, July 2013

Photo: epiphron17.jpg

Hohe Tauern, Austria, July 2014

Photo: epiphron12.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2011

Photo: epiphron10.jpg

Grisons, Switzerland, July 2003

Photo: epiphron9.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2003

Photo: epiphron8.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2003