Coenonympha dorus

Dusky Heath


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: dorus11.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: dorus3.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Field notes and information

The bold underside markigns make this butterfly quite distinctive. It flies in very hot dry grassy places in the western Mediterranean region where it is often widespread and common.

Identification & Similar species: The underside is distinctive.

Distribution & Flight: From Spain, south France and sporadic in central Italy. Flies from June to August.

Habitat & Behaviour: Very hot dry grassy places with stones rocks and bare earth. Often with scrub or in clearings.

Variation: Very variable in most respects.

Photo: dorus12.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: dorus20.jpgPhoto: dorus22.jpg

Huesca, Spain, July 2017

Photo: dorus23.jpg

Huesca, Spain, July 2017

Photo: dorus21.jpg

Huesca, Spain, July 2017

A hint of the upperside.

Photo: dorus17.jpgPhoto: dorus16.jpgPhoto: dorus14.jpgPhoto: dorus15.jpg

Prov. Malaga, Spain, July 2013

Photo: dorus13.jpg

Almeria, Spain, July 2013

Photo: dorus10.jpg

Montes Universales, Spain, July 2011

Photo: dorus9.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Photo: dorus5.jpgPhoto: dorus1.jpgPhoto: dorus2.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Photo: dorus4.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

Photo: dorus7.jpg

Var, France, July 2009

C. dorus with L. reducta.