SW Serbia, June 2012
SW Serbia, June 2012
Field notes and information
A very local species of the Balkans.
Identification & Similar species: Very similar to the other clouded yellows, Colias. In the region, a rich orange upperside colouration helps separate it from the clouded yellow C. croceus which is lighter yellow-orange. The Greek clouded yellow C. aurorina has strong violet tones and the underside is much greener.
Distribution & Flight: Very local in Bosnia, Serbia, FYROM, N Greece and Bulgaria. It is a species of limestone mountains flying at mid to high altitudes (1200-2200m).
Single brooded flying in June and July, and into August at higher levels.
Habitat & Behaviour: A strong flier that pauses to nectar briefly. It inhabits rocky mountain grassland with abundant flowers on limestone. Larvae feed on broom species such as the Chamaecytisus shown below.
SW Serbia, June 2012
SW Serbia, June 2012
Larval food plant, a low growing broom Chamaecytisus sp.
SW Serbia, June 2012
SW Serbia, June 2012
SW Serbia, June 2012