Lycaena bleusei

Blue Sooty Copper


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: bleusei11.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei13.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Field notes and information

Formerly regarded as a subspecies of the sooty copper L. tityrus it is now often given species rank.

Identification & Similar species: Similar to the sooty copper L. tityrus. Males however have extensive orange on the upperside forewing and usually a strong blue sheen on the upperside hindwing.

Distribution & Flight: Known from the Sierras of central Spain. It flies in several (?two) broods in spring and summer. Its range does not overlap with that of the similar sooty copper L. tityrus.

Habitat & Behaviour: Grassy flowery meadows amongst woodland. Roadsides. Frequently visits flowers for nectar where it may spend some time on any given flower head.

Photo: bleusei17.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei2.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei21.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei19.jpgPhoto: bleusei10.jpgPhoto: bleusei9.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei14.jpgPhoto: bleusei15.jpgPhoto: bleusei22.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei24.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei16.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei31.jpgPhoto: bleusei32.jpgPhoto: bleusei4.jpgPhoto: bleusei5.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011

Photo: bleusei23.jpgPhoto: bleusei30.jpgPhoto: bleusei18.jpgPhoto: bleusei20.jpg

Madrid, Spain, July 2011