Simi, Greece, May 2017
Simi, Greece, May 2017
Field notes and information
A very local and rare species in Europe found on only a few of the Greek islands near the Turkish mainland. Also from Cyprus.
Identification & Similar species: Unique in the region.
Distribution & Flight: A few of the larger Greek islands near the Turkish border such as Samos, Rhodes and Simi. Also from Cyprus. Flies in several broods from mid April to the end of summer.
Habitat & Behaviour: It seems to like low altitude areas amongst rocks and sparse grassy places on steep slopes, amongst scrub and cultivated areas such as orchards. This is a shy and retiring species. It generally doesn't fly much, being disturbed from its resting place every time we found it. It also had an amazing ability to be glimpsed flying around ones legs then disappearing instantly without trace or hope of finding it again. On several occasions it was an act of faith following such a glimpse that eventually led to confirmation of the species's presence at a site.
Simi, Greece October 2018
Simi, Greece, May 2017
Simi, Greece October 2018
Simi, Greece, May 2017
SW Cyprus, April 2002
Simi, Greece, May 2017