Pseudochazara amalthea, eastern banded grayling, split from P. anthelea, white banded grayling
S Greece, July 2018
Parnassos, Greece, July 2007
Field notes and information
Raised to specific rank from and is essentially indistinguishable from the white banded grayling P. anthelea. Distribution is key to separating the species.
Identification & Similar species: Distinctive.
Distribution & Flight: From the Balkan mainland of Greece/ FYROM/ Bulgaria etc. Flies end May to July.
Habitat & Behaviour: Flies in grassy flowery places, in scrubland at lower levels to rocky places above the tree line.
NW Greece, July 2016
NW Greece, August 2008
NW Greece, July 2016
Parnassos, Greece, July 2007