Colias phicomone

Mountain Clouded Yellow


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: phicomone31.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2021

Photo: phicomone19.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, June 2012

Field notes and information

A stricktly mountain species, frequently encountered and often common where found.

Identification & Similar species: Pale yellow but with a very heavy dusting of grey scales. Identification unlikely to cause problems in these high altitude locations. Often flies with the moorland clouded yellow, C. palaeno, which is usually obviously much more yellow in flight. It also has solid black borders to the uppersides.

Distribution & Flight: This is a high mountain butterfly only found in the Cantabrian mountains, Pyrenees, Alps and a small part of the Romanian Carpathians.

Habitat & Behaviour: High flowery alpine meadows, down to the tree line. It flies fast and erratically over open grassy areas where it can be very hard to get close to. In cool or cloudy weather they are relatively easy to approach when they rest on the ground to warm up.

Photo: phicomone30.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2021

Photo: phicomone23.jpg

Grisons, Switzerland, July 2013

Photo: phicomone13.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2006

Photo: phicomone29.jpgPhoto: phicomone33.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2020

Photo: phicomone32.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2021

Photo: phicomone17.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2011

Photo: phicomone8.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2009

Photo: phicomone25.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2015

Photo: phicomone7.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2008

Photo: phicomone26.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2019

Photo: phicomone27.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2019

Photo: phicomone28.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2020

Photo: phicomone22.jpgPhoto: phicomone24.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, July 2013

Photo: phicomone12.jpg

Valais, Switzerland, July 2009

Photo: phicomone21.jpg

Hautes Alpes, France, August 2012