Pseudochazara orestes

Dil's Grayling


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: orestes3.jpg

Phalakron Massif, N Greece, July 2000

Photo: orestes2.jpg

Phalakron Massif, N Greece, July 2000

Cryptic markings break up the shape and size of the butterfly against the natural background.

Field notes and information

An extremely local and usually very uncommon butterfly. It is found only in a very small part of the world on a few massifs on the Bulgarian and Greek border around Mt Phalakron.

Identification & Similar species: Fairly distinctive with warm orangy upperside bands and a fairly uniform underside hindwing with a white discal band.

Distribution & Flight: Only Mt Phalakron and neighbrouring massifs in north Greece and south Bulgaria. From mid June to July.

Habitat & Behaviour: Hot dry stony places such as quarries, steep slopes. At higher levels, near woodland edges. Feeds on tall thistles.

Photo: orestes1.jpg

Phalakron Massif, N Greece, July 2000