Carcharodus flocciferus
Tufted Marbled Skipper
Valais, Switzerland, June 2007
Isère, France, July 2008
Field notes and information
A large dark grey member of this group of skippers. It is fairly frequently encountered but always local.
Identification & Similar species: The dark grey colouration separates it from most similar species, as does the sparsely marked and rather uniform underside hindwing. The oriental marbled skipper C. orientalis is extremely similar. That species has a relatively pale underside hindwing and a more complete discal band, although individual variation is great and these differences are not always convincing.
These two species have a very distinctive rusty "tuft" on the underside forewing that acts to guide forewing and hindwing during flight. The butterfly must usually be manipulated to get a good look at this tuft but a few long scales can sometimes be seen protruding when viewed from the right angle without touching the butterfly.
Distribution & Flight: It is principally a mountain species of Spain, France, the Alps and the Balkans. It is also widespread in peninsular Italy. Double brooded in the west in May/ June and July/ August. Only in the summer in the Balkans.
Habitat & Behaviour: Tends to prefer damper areas with grasses and meadows, often in proximity of woodland. Frequently seen taking salts from damp earth.
Isère, France, July 2008
Valais, Switzerland, August 2019
Isère, France, July 2008
Valais, Switzerland, August 2019
Isère, France, July 2008
Marbled and tufted marbled skippers, C. lavatherae (the pale butterfly) and C. flocciferus.
Isère, France, July 2008
Marbled and tufted marbled skippers, C. lavatherae (the pale butterfly) and C. flocciferus.
Valais, Switzerland, August 2013
Valais, Switzerland, August 2010
Rila Mts, Bulgaria, July 2004
Pelopennesos, Greece, June 2002
Valle d'Aoste, Italy, July 2004