Pirin Mts, Bulgaria, July 2004
Second brood with little dusting of black scales on underside
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
Field notes and information
This is a small delicate butterfly. It is local in the west, more widespread in the Balkans. I've never found them to be common.
Identification & Similar species: Smaller and whiter than the small and southern small whites (P. rapae, P. mannii).Also lacks black markings on the underside forewing present in similar species.
Distribution & Flight: Mountains in sourthern Europe from Spain, France (v rare), Italy and becoming commoner in the SE. It flies in a series of broods from spring to summer.
Habitat & Behaviour: Open stony places, usually hot and dry, amongst scrub or forest openings. Are usually attracted to flowers.
Macedonia, Greece, May 2004 (m)
First brood showing heavy scaling on the underside hindwing, a feature shared amongst the Artogeia.
S Greece, July 2008
Peloppensos, Greece, July 2018
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
S Greece, June 2013
S Greece, June 2013
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
S Greece, June 2013