Leptidea duponcheli

Eastern Wood White


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: duponcheli1.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, May 2004

Dark green underside of spring generation.

Photo: duponcheli7.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, May 2005

Greyer than the Balkan butterflies of the spring generation

Field notes and information

Very similar to the other wood whites, Leptidea, at least spring individuals are well marked they are are fairly easily separated from similar species. Localised in the south Balkans and particularly local in southeast France. Usually not uncommon though, were found.

Identification & Similar species: The underside cell has a small white rectuangular spot extending from the basal area. The rest of the markings are solid green or greyish green.

A rather unreliable feature in my experience is the absense of white on the underside of the antennal club. Its presence precludes this species, but it is sometimes absent in the other similar species particularly some female sinapis.

Distribution & Flight: Southeast France and south Balkans. In 2 or 3 broods from April/ May and into high summer.

Habitat & Behaviour: Woodland edges and rides and bushy places. Flight is weak and butterflies rest only occasionally.

Variation: The first brood is more heavily marked than summer broods. In the Balkans, summer generation individuals can be almost devoid of underside markings, or the markings are very pale cream.

The undersides of French individuals are more grey-green than Balkan butterflies.

Photo: duponcheli4.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, July 2004

Very pale yellow underside hindwing markings of the summer generation.

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Peloppenesos, Greece, July 2018

Photo: duponcheli21.jpg

Peloppenesos, Greece, July 2018

Photo: duponcheli2.jpgPhoto: duponcheli3.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, May 2004

Photo: duponcheli9.jpgPhoto: duponcheli8.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, May 2005

Photo: duponcheli19.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: duponcheli16.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, August 2010

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Digne les Bains, France, May 2022

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Digne les Bains, France, May 2022

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Alpes de Haute Provence, France, August 2010

Photo: duponcheli5.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, July 2004

Photo: duponcheli12.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, August 2010

Photo: duponcheli17.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, August 2010

Photo: duponcheli18.jpg

Alpes de Haute Provence, France, August 2010

Photo: duponcheli6.jpg

Macedonia, Greece, July 2004