Valais, Switzerland, May 2021
Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013
Field notes and information
A bright species with shining rich blue uppersides and pale undersides.
Identification & Similar species: Heart shaped red markings on the underside hindwing are distinctive.
Distribution & Flight: Widspread in hills and mountains from central Spain through southern France and eastwards into the Balkans and Poland.
Habitat & Behaviour: They often form a small part of any patch of blues taking salts at damp earth. They are equally likely to be found feeding on any range of flowers. Females are harder to find than the males and, if found at all, they are in very low numbers. I've found this species easily over the years in diverse places such as low hills to high mountain pastures and everything in between. It is usually associated with damp patches and open grassy flowery places.
Valais, Switzerland, May 2014
The heart shaped orange lunules on the hindwing are distinctive.
Valais, Switzerland, May 2021
Valais, Switzerland, May 2022
Valais, Switzerland, May 2020
S Greece, July 2018
Valais, Switzerland, May 2021
Valais, Switzerland, May 2021
This individual seems to be in good condition but is almost devoid of blue scaling.
Hautes-Pyrénées, France, July 2017
Valais, Switzerland, May 2018
Peloppensos, Greece, July 2018
Valais, Switzerland, May 2007
Valais, Switzerland, April 2017
S Greece, July 2018
Macedonia, Greece, July 2016