Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Field notes and information
Extremely local in small parts of Romania and FYROM.
Identification & Similar species: A large species with many bright white upperside spots. Very close to the tessellated skipper, M. tessellum. That species is very rare in Romania, more widespread in FYROM and further south. Key to separating the species is a double pair of spots in space 2 on the upper forewing, where there are three pairs in the current species.
Distribution & Flight: Only from Romania and FYROM. Flies in mid May/ mid June.
Habitat & Behaviour: Dry grassy slopes with scrubby patches. It flies rapidly, just as other skippers, about 1m above the ground, seeming to have a slight preference for damper areas at the base of slopes near scrub. It visits flowers but doesn't rest for long.
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania
Separating cribrellum (top) from tessellum.
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009
Cluj, Romania, May 2009