S Greece, July 2018
S Greece, June 2013
Field notes and information
SE Europe. As with all anomalous blues, this species has no blue markings at all.
Identification & Similar species: It is the most distinctive of the anomalous blues with two strong rows of submarginal spots on the underside. The female has varying degrees of red-orange on the submarginal area of the upperside hindwing, although this is often completely absent.
Distribution & Flight: Widespread and frequently encountered in the southern Balkans, sporadic northwards into Hungary.
Habitat & Behaviour: Hot flowery grasslands, often very dry.
NW Greece, July 2004
Male. Large rough area of andriconal scales clearly visible on the forewing.
NW Greece, July 2004
Female showing orange lunules.
S Greece, July 2018
Peloppensos, Greece, July 2018
Albania, July 2016
S Greece, July 2018
S Greece, June 2013
NW Greece, July 2016
Pelopennesos, Greece, July 2007
Female occasionally with a white streak.
S Greece, July 2018
NW Greece, August 2008
Macedonia, Greece, July 2000
Usually it is hot enough for this butterfly not to open its wings. Here it is filmed at altitude where cooler air requires extra heating.
NW Greece, August 2008
Pelopennesos, Greece, July 2007