Dymasia dymas

Tiny Checkerspot


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot7.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Field notes and information

ARIZONA April 2015: This was widespread and common during our travels. It is a delightful delicate little butterfly, frequenting water courses and dry gullies. It is frequently attracted to flowers.

It is separated from the similar but slightly less widespread Elada checkerspot by the colour of the margin of the underside hindwing. It is black in the tiny and orange in the Elada.

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot13.jpg

Santa Cruz County, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot9.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot14.jpg

Santa Cruz County, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot6.jpgPhoto: US-TinyCheckerspot17.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot10.jpgPhoto: US-TinyCheckerspot11.jpg

Santa Cruz County, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot15.jpgPhoto: US-TinyCheckerspot12.jpg

Santa Cruz County, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot16.jpg

Atascosa Mts, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot8.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot5.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot1.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot3.jpgPhoto: US-TinyCheckerspot2.jpg

Atascosa Mts, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-TinyCheckerspot4.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015