Limenitis arthemis

Red Spotted Purple


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral5.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Field notes and information

ARIZONA April 2015: A pretty good mimic of the common pipevine swallowtail, this butterfly gives away the game by its aristocratic gliding style, quite unlike the swallowtail it mimics.

There is another form found along the Canadian border, the White Admiral, beyond the range of the pipevine swallowtail. That form loses the blue sheen and has a strong white band across the upperside, looking rather like the European Emperors.

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral9.jpg

Phoenix, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral2.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral7.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral4.jpgPhoto: US-RedSpottedAdmiral3.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral6.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral1.jpg

Santa Rita Mts, Tucson S, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral8.jpg

Atascosa Mts, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-RedSpottedAdmiral10.jpg

Phoenix, AZ, April 2015