Anaea andria

Goatweed Leafwing


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: US-GoatweedLeafwing2.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Field notes and information

ARIZONA April 2015: An exotic looking butterfly. It is an extremely fast flyer and very sensitive to approach. We didn't see more than half a dozen individuals. The bright scarlet upperside is very obvious in flight, at one point we had two butterflies whirling around us in a frantic chase. It was great!

The underside and wing form are obviously very well designed for camouflage against a background of dry leaves. It works very well as the butterfly is almost impossible to see when settled despite its size.

Photo: US-GoatweedLeafwing3.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-GoatweedLeafwing1.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-GoatweedLeafwing4.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015

Photo: US-GoatweedLeafwing5.jpg

Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015