Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015
Field notes and information
ARIZONA April 2015: An exotic looking butterfly. It is an extremely fast flyer and very sensitive to approach. We didn't see more than half a dozen individuals. The bright scarlet upperside is very obvious in flight, at one point we had two butterflies whirling around us in a frantic chase. It was great!
The underside and wing form are obviously very well designed for camouflage against a background of dry leaves. It works very well as the butterfly is almost impossible to see when settled despite its size.
Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015
Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015
Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015
Huachuca Mts, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 2015