Pieris krueperi

Krueper's Small White


by Matt Rowlings

copyright © 2003-2024

Show butterflies of: EU US
Photo: krueperi46.jpg

Samos, Greece, June 2018

Photo: krueperi33.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013

Field notes and information

This a the most distinctive of the small whites with unmistakable green underside markings. It is also the rarest, found only in the southern Balkans and there it is very local and only found in low numbers.

Identification & Similar species: The distinctive underside markings separate this species from all other similar ones.

Distribution & Flight: Southern Balkans where it is very localised and, in my experience, is only found in low numbers. It flies in several broods, from May to August (and possibly beyond these limits too).

Habitat & Behaviour: Hot dry rocky places with light scrub.

Variation: The green underside markings are much darker in the spring generation.

Photo: krueperi26.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013

Photo: krueperi36.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: krueperi53.jpg

Samos, Greece, June 2018

Photo: krueperi51.jpgPhoto: krueperi44.jpgPhoto: krueperi52.jpg

Samos, Greece, June 2018

Photo: krueperi35.jpgPhoto: krueperi2.jpgPhoto: krueperi38.jpg

NW Greece, July 2016

Photo: krueperi43.jpg

Samos, Greece, June 2018

Photo: krueperi1.jpg

Kastoria, Greece, May 2004 (m)

Dull cool weather prevented this butterfly performing any better than this.

Photo: krueperi7.jpg

NW, Greece, August 2008

Photo: krueperi9.jpg

NW, Greece, August 2008

Photo: krueperi3.jpgPhoto: krueperi10.jpg

NW, Greece, August 2008

Photo: krueperi25.jpgPhoto: krueperi23.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013

Photo: krueperi34.jpgPhoto: krueperi24.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013

Photo: krueperi27.jpgPhoto: krueperi30.jpg

Peloppensos, Greece, June 2013